Monday, December 10, 2012

Industry Revenue

(citation below)

Recently there was an Ebay auction for the complete set of 22 game consoles with all of the games for each console. It retails at $1.2 million dollars worth of consoles and games.
(citation below)

The revenue of the gaming industry is one that is slowly climbing up the ladder of the world markets. It had added a value of $4.9 billion to the GDP in 2010. It was reported in 2010 that the gaming and software industry had grown an astonishing 10.6% from 2005-2009 when from 2005-2008 it was
16.7%. It was around this time that the economy had grown 1.4% from 2005-2009 and 2.8% from 2005-2008. There was an annual increase of the gaming and sofware industry by 8.65%.

The employees of the total amount of both direct and indirect went over 120,000. The annual revenue per employee was $89,781. In early 2010 the number of states that had gaming publishers/Developers was 19, the number of locations that were gaming publishers only was 55 while gaming publishers/developers was 56, totaling the amount of locations around the US to 111 with over 32000 employed.Click here for an article of total spending on video games!

Citation: Schutte, Wybe, and Peter Warman. 2012 Country Summary Report. N.p.: New Zoo, Nov. 2012. PDF.

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