Monday, December 10, 2012

Impact of the Gaming Industry

"The U.S. industry that develops and publishes video game software creates wholly new forms of entertainment for consumers worldwide. The industry also generates sales in the billions of dollars and creates thousands of American jobs. The U.S. interactive entertainment software industry is, and has been, one of the most rapidly growing industries in the United States"- Stephen E. Siwek
The video game industry has made a huge impact on the economy. Being of the fastest growing industries of the 21 century, things aren't what they may seem when it comes to video games. It grew at an annual rate of 16.7% while the economy as a whole only grew 2.8%.

Predicted that game revenues will grow to $70 billion by 2017

Citation: Siwek, Stephen E. Video Games in the 21st Century. N.p.: ESA, n.d. PDF

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